Exeter R/C Eagles, Inc.



The following By-laws are the governing policies of Exeter R/C Eagles, Inc.; its officers, and members. Changes to the By-laws can be made only with a majority of the membership at a normally scheduled meeting.

 Article I: Name

                 Exeter RC Eagles, Inc.

                              111 Barto Road

                              Barto, PA 19504


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to promote the building and operation of radio controlled models, promote public acceptance and goodwill, and to further the sport of model aviation.


Article III: Membership


AMA membership required.  Proof of membership (a photocopy of the member’s current AMA card included with an application) is required upon renewal or initial application for membership. 


                                                Dues are $50.00 / year for adults and $70.00 /year for family


Membership will be maintained on an annual basis, effective on January 1 and expiring on December 31 of each year.  Annual dues will be accepted for up to 90 days after January 1.  Thereafter, a member will be considered as expired and will need to re-submit his application as a new member.  New members are required to pay an additional initiation fee of $10.00  upon application.  Dues and initiation fees are determined by the membership and may be changed as deemed necessary, but may not be changed in the currently effective calendar year.                   


All members must abide by the safety code currently in effect as established by the AMA and any additional rules as set by Exeter R/C Eagles, Inc.  Should any safety issues arise during the course of operations the matter may be addressed by any other member as deemed appropriate.  Courtesy and safety are to be observed at all times.



Individual membership can be suspended or revoked for violation of any safety rules, improper conduct, willful disregard for the safety of others or any reason thereof as determined by the membership.  Such action requires a simple majority of members present during a scheduled meeting.  The results of such action are to be communicated in writing to the affected member and signed by the president of the corporation.  Should the actions of a member so require, an emergency suspension may be invoked by any duly elected officer of the corporation.  Such suspension will require the matter be heard by the membership at the next scheduled meeting for resolution.  The suspended or revoked member may appeal his suspension or revocation directly to the membership.  The decision of the membership, by simple majority, is final.


 Any member may be expelled from Club membership by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership if in the officers” determination, such individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these Bylaws, or the Rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the club, the AM A, or to model aviation.


If any member ceases to have the qualification necessary for membership in the AMA, his/her membership in the club shall thereby terminate, subject to reinstatement upon restoration of eligibility.


      Reinstatement: A 2/3 vote of the membership is required for reinstatement to the club.



The officers of Exeter R/C Eagles, Inc. include:

(a)   President

(b)   Vice-President

(c)    Treasurer

(d)   Secretary

(e)   Safety Officer



The term of office is one year starting in April and ending in March of the following year.

Nominations for officers will be in March, with elections held in April.  All current members are eligible to run for office.  All members have voting privileges with one vote per member.



The president shall be the executive officer and spokesperson of the club.  He shall preside at meetings, appoint committees as necessary, and cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.

The vice-president shall assist the president in all matters and assume the duties of the president if for any reason the president is not able to perform his duties.


The Secretary records the minutes of all regular scheduled and called club meetings and record attendance.  He shall maintain an up-to-date membership record of all members including their name, mailing address, AMA number, and telephone number.  If the Vice-President, for any reason, is unable to perform his duties, the Secretary shall assist or take over the duties of the vice-president.


The Treasurer shall have charge of all club funds and is authorized to pay all club obligations from these funds.  He shall collect dues when they are due.  He shall keep appropriate records of all club monetary transactions and provide a Treasurer’s report at each scheduled club meeting. 


The Safety Officer oversees that flying activities are conducted in a safe manner.  He shall promote increased safety awareness on the part of all members, improve the public perception of modeling as a safe and desirable sport, and provide a means by which important safety information can be shared between clubs.  This person will act as a communications liaison between the club and AMA Headquarters to ensure timely distribution of safety related material.  The club safety coordinator must have email access.



                        Officer vacancies will be filled by a vote of the remaining officers.


Article V: Meetings


Meetings will be held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the club field at 7 pm during the regular flying season.  All scheduled meetings will be announced in the corporation’s newsletter and the club web site at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.  Special or emergency meetings may be called by the officers of the corporation as deemed necessary.  The results of the meeting will be published in the next issue of the newsletter which will act as the official minutes of Exeter R/C Eagles, Inc. and will include all business transacted at the prior meeting.


                     SPECIAL MEETINGS

Called to order by club officers to deal with any concerns that must be dealt with before the next scheduled club meeting.      


Parliamentary rules will govern the conduct of the meeting. The president of the corporation will chair all meetings unless such duties are delegated to the vice-president.  All decisions regarding expenditures, disbursements and revenue generation will require a motion, seconded and carried by a simple majority of the members present.  The treasurer will execute any disbursements as authorized by the membership in accordance with the motion as carried.


Article VI: Grievance Procedure

The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed.  Although most complaints can be resolved informally, if a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Safety Officer/Committee for its consideration by means of a Grievance Form to be filled out and turned into the Safety Officer.  At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance Form.  The Safety officer/Committee shall use its   judgment in carrying out action on the following:

                        First violation:

Viewpoints of both complainants and accused will be considered. Complainant’s name will be disclosed.  A  verbal reprimand will be given to the accused by the Safety officer/Committee, and this will be recorded in the club records.


                        Second violation:

Complainant’s name will be disclosed.  The accused has the right to a written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the Club Safety Officer/Committee.  If the Committee so decides, the flying                privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days.  Written notice of this shall             be issued and a copy published in the Club newsletter.


                        Third violation:

The Safety Officer/Committee will notify the accused in writing and the Club members via the Club newsletter that the Club will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next meeting.  Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum.  A member may be expelled from the Club only upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting.  Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular monthly meeting.  The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time period.

                    The three actions will not be enforced unless they are accumulated within a two-year time period.

Any member receiving a Grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club.  This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other action deemed to be retaliatory by the Club Officers.




























Exeter R/C Club Grievance Form


Date:_______________________                         Time:____________________



Nature of violation:
























Signature: __________________________________




Additional Witnesses (optional):

